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Liposuction Surgeon in Tucson

Certain problem areas are notoriously difficult to target with diet and exercise alone. If you’ve been unable to get the results you want at the gym, Dr. Larson's approach to body contouring for each patient makes him the top plastic surgeon performing liposuction in Tucson.

What is Liposuction?

Having an attractive figure is not just a matter of how much someone weighs; it is also how those pounds are distributed across your frame. Many people spend years dieting and hours every week in the gym, working to achieve their ideal profile, all to no avail. Stubborn, excess fat deposits stay where they are, leading to frustration and disappointment.

Liposuction Tucson

What Areas Of The Body Can Be Treated with Liposuction?

Our Tucson liposuction can deliver slimming and contouring benefits to virtually any area of the body. Some of the most common treatment areas among our clients include:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Breast

While liposuction is most commonly use to sculpt these body areas, other areas that are regularly treated are:

  • Upper Arms
  • Calves
  • Ankles
  • Neck


The midsection is a problem area for many women – especially after weight fluctuations, pregnancy or a C-section. Once belly flab becomes loose and droopy, it can be almost impossible to tone the area with exercise. Liposuction in Tucson with Dr. Larson can easily remove the excess belly fat and restore a flat and fit appearance.

The Hips

Excess fat on the hips can create an unbalanced figure – especially when the rest of your body is smooth and contoured. Because this area is so difficult to tone with exercise, liposuction is a highly effective way to get the look you want.

The Thighs

The thighs are another common request among our patients. Although we can’t reduce the overall circumference with liposuction, we can remove small pockets of fat from the inner and outer thighs to produce a slimmer look. If you also have excess skin in the area, Dr. Larson may recommend a simultaneous thigh lift as well.

The Buttocks

When performing liposuction on the buttocks, Dr. Larson uses a micro-cannula to subtly reshape the area. This ensures that he doesn’t remove too much fat – which would result in a flat, asymmetrical or sagging appearance.

The Arms

The arms are difficult for many women and men to tone. Liposuction can target unwanted flab in this area – revealing slim and sculpted arms.

The Chin

Excess fat in the chin can detract from the graceful lines of your face. Removal of this fat can result in a more chiseled and refined jawline.

Are You a Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction in Tucson is a time-proven procedure that has helped countless men and women achieve their ideal bodies. However, it’s not right for every patient. If you have a large amount of fat to lose – or you are suffering from sagging skin as well – another procedure, such as a lift, may be necessary.

Liposuction Tucson

Your Surgical Options

Dr. Larson strives to deliver the best liposuction experience available. As such, he offers three main types of liposuction Tucson patients can choose from: tumescent and ultrasonic. Depending on the size of the treatment area and the type of liposuction you choose, your procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Larson will personally help you determine which one is in your best interest. Here is an overview of your options:

Tucson Liposuction

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a terrific approach that is associated with minimal complications and highly effective fat removal.

It involves injecting a solution composed of salt water and anesthesia to swell the fat cells, which makes them easier to remove. From there, he will create a small incision and insert a cannula that is attached to a suction pump to gently break up and remove unwanted fat.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

With ultrasonic liposuction, the cannula used to break up and remove unwanted fat employs ultrasonic sound waves to liquefy the excess fat cells so that they are easier to target.

Liposuction and Skin: What's the story?

Removing the fat with liposuction does not tighten skin. One critical step in determining what procedure will lead to the sculpted body you envision is to evaluate the degree of skin laxity. If you have very lax skin, a surgical procedure may be the appropriate way to resculpt your body, such as a tummy tuck or body lift, or a non-surgical skin tightening procedure in addition to liposuction.

Renuvion and Liposuction

Renuvion is a groundbreaking new procedure that can be used during a liposuction procedure or on its own. Renuvion is directly applied to your skin tissue, using helium plasma and RF light energy to shape, contour, and tighten loose skin. When used in conjunction with liposuction, the results can be greatly enhanced.

How can Renuvion Enhance the Results of Liposuction?

Renuvion can be used on any area of the body treated with liposuction, or on its own, including:

  • Lower back
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Chin and neck
  • Chest
  • Knees
  • Calves

Liposuction is focused on the removal of fat, but does not tighten loose skin, which has been a drawback for many patients. When considering the results achieved with liposuction to remove excess fat, adding a Renuvion treatment will enhance the outcome, as the procedure increases natural collagen production, tightening and contouring your skin for a smoother, more attractive result.

Benefits of adding Renuvion to your liposuction procedure

There are several benefits to keep in mind when considering adding a Renuvion treatment to your liposuction procedure.

  • The Renuvion technology employs cold plasma energy during the liposuction procedure to promote skin tightening without surgical intervention.
  • Renuvion in conjunction with liposuction will not add recovery time to your procedure.
  • Adding Renuvion to your liposuction can help you avoid the need for surgical skin removal.

A private consultation at Larson Plastic Surgery in Tucson, Arizona will help you to determine if adding Renuvion to your liposuction procedure will produce a smoother, tighter, and more attractive result.

Before & After Photos

Liposuction Tucson
Liposuction Tucson
Liposuction Tucson
Liposuction Tucson
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Plastic Surgery in Tucson Our Office

Located in the central courtyard of the historic Casas Adobes Plaza, our office is charming, relaxing, and has plenty of space for our advanced, cutting-edge devices. Our office is an oasis where patients receive exceptional care in a comfortable atmosphere, with the best technology available. This wonderful refuge is our offering to craft experience where the ease and satisfaction of our patients and clients are the highest priority.

Larson Plastic Surgery Office

Awake Liposuction Procedure

Many people are very interested in what is termed "awake lipo," which is exactly as it sounds - you will be awake during your procedure. Light oral sedation and Pro-Nox, a form of inhalational anesthesia, are also available for your comfort should you choose. At Larson Plastic Surgery, we use one of the most advanced liposuction systems, Body Jet by Human Med - a gentle, water-assisted form of lipo with a faster healing time.

Why Choose Awake Liposuction?

Every person has their own personal reasons for choosing awake lipo, but some of the most common reasons include:

  • No need for recovery from anesthesia.
  • You are in control and alert at all times.
  • Reduces surgery risks associated with anesthesia.
  • Promotes a faster recovery.
  • Some patients are not safe to undergo anesthesia and now have an option.
  • Little to no pain or discomfort is experienced during the procedure.
  • You and our surgeon can work together to achieve your aesthetic goals.
  • No harsh after-effects as occurs with traditional liposuction.
  • Fast, easy procedure, requiring only local anesthesia applied to the area to be treated.
  • It is easier to treat multiple areas.
  • Reduced costs.

Using Body-Jet Liposuction

Body-Jet liposuction is a groundbreaking liposuction system that employs the power of water to flush away unwanted fat. Highly-concentrated water gently dislodges fat cells from the surrounding tissue so they can be easily suctioned out of your body, with less trauma or potential of damage to skin, muscles, and nerves. Only local anesthesia is required for a comfortable experience, with most procedures requiring only about 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

Gentle and effective: Our awake liposuction technique.

Rather than having to spend days or longer in recovery, after treatment with Body-Jet awake liposuction in Tucson, you can simply return to your usual activities. The fact that you can resculpt your body in a short appointment, while fully awake, with no need for intravenous sedation or general anesthesia makes our awake liposuction a very appealing option to many of our patients.

Want body sculpting but worried about anesthesia? Talk to us about awake liposuction.

If you have concerns about being "put under," our awake liposuction procedure can give you the confidence to undergo the body sculpting you want without worry. As you will be fully alert during the procedure, simply lying back on the treatment table as pockets of excess fat are gently extracted with this revolutionary treatment.

Lipedema Treatment + Dercum's Disease Treatment

For some Tucson women, even weight loss doesn’t help their figures – they have perpetually large legs, trunks or arms. Many of them are ultimately diagnosed with lipedema or Dercum’s disease – two complex disorders that are associated with an abnormal accumulation of fat cells, which produces a disproportionate appearance.

Dr. Larson is highly skilled in lipedema treatment and Dercum’s disease treatment in Tucson via liposuction. He will strategically remove the diseased fat in a way that restores balance to your entire body.

More on lipedema
Tucson Liposuction

Frequently Asked Questions

What is fat transfer and how is liposuction used?

Liposuction is commonly used to remove unwanted, excess fatty tissue, but it is not the only reason to use liposuction techniques. While some men and women have excess fat in particular areas of the body, others may want to increase volume with procedures such as fat transfer breast augmentation. Taking the fatty tissue from one area of the body and injecting it in another is quite common.

What are the benefits of a fat transfer?

Tissue is often removed from the thighs or tummy for a fat transfer. The benefit of this procedure is that there is very little risk of complications or rejection of the tissue, because it has been taken directly from the patient.

Is the fat simply removed and reinjected?

In order to achieve the sculpted, contoured appearance you desire and to create the safest, longest-lasting outcome possible, the harvested fat must undergo a purification process before being re-injected into the area in which greater volume is desired.

How Is the Fat from Liposuction Processed for Use in a Fat Transfer?

This is done to remove any impurities in the fat and can be done in one of two ways:

  • Centrifuge: This is a procedure in which the fat is literally “spun” to separate the fatty tissue from other elements it may contain.
  • Filtration: Filtration is a procedure that separates solids from fluids by means of a filter medium that only allows fluids to pass through.

How long does breast reduction surgery take?

The length of a breast reduction procedure, of course, depends on which technique is used and the amount of tissue being removed. It typically takes three to five hours and can be done on an outpatient basis.

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